Tuesday, April 28, 2009

All You Need Is A Rake And Hoe And A Piece Of Fertile Ground

On a more personal note -
The spring is here (finally!) so I've decided to sow and grow myself a garden on my lovely little fire escape. Ahhh, urban life...it can be so charming.
Let's see what happens.

Forget About Swine Flu - Let's Get Drunk!

I like juice boxes - always have. They're unbeatable in the convenience department; small and compact, an easy to use straw function, and some sort of sweet nectar inside!
Well, now there are Wine Juice Boxes...sippy cups for adults. Three Thieves Bandit Wine is perfect for summer time (or any time, really). As my new friend at Best Cellars said, "They're perfect for walking around town with during the day - they look like protein shakes!"
Enjoy and drink responsibly, kids.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Poladroid Android

Something inside of me died when I heard the sad news that Polaroid was discontinuing its Instant Camera. Long before the days of the sleek, pocket-sized digital cameras we shoot with now, the insta-camera was the only one that let us see our pictures within a few short minutes - it was a little bit of magic back then. And of course, there was the shaking...shake shake shake...and the way that the image just kinda crept up on the film before your eyes...aaaah, memories.
Unfortunately, the Polaroid days of yesteryear are gone and all we're left with are our teeny-tiny megapixel machines. I know, it's sad. But look what I found!!!! It's called Poladroid, and it's the next-best-thing. Download it and start retro-izing your iPhoto libraries today! Just don't shake your computers too much...trust me, it doesn't speed up the process and it just upsets MacBooks...I tried it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Can't Hear You

Having spent many occasions sitting around with - how can I say this politely - much older and much, much wiser people, I know how difficult it is to take part in conversations that quickly devolve into ones in which my more senior companions begin talking about two entirely separate topics.
We start out discussing the pros and cons of toaster ovens vs. regular toasters, and then all of a sudden one of them (let's say it's my Saba - Grandpa, for those not in the know - in this instance) is jabbering on about his tailor's return policies regarding custom made suits. Coincidentally, they are quite good - full refund if you're unhappy!
This usually happens completely unbeknownst to them though, as they usually can't hear a word the other one has said.
That's why this is such happy news! Some clever scientists in Israel - land of milk and honey and some very smart people who have clearly suffered through many Friday night dinners dealing with exactly the problem I've described above - have figured out a way to keep deafness at bay! Yay! (You like how that rhymed?)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dreams Really Can Come True

Everyone loves an Oreo cookie - they're chocolate, they're vanilla, and they're creamy and crunchy - truly, an unbeatable treat. And, very much like the Reeses Peanut Buttercup, everybody has their own unique way of chowing down on one of these suckers. There's the twist, the dunk, the double decker creamwich...the list goes on.
I've always been a dunker, and I'm often fond of throwing an Oreo into a nice glass of milk and letting it swim around in there until it's totally soaked and crumbles into a million little delicious pieces which I can suck down once I've finished my Nabisco binge. It's like a hybrid McFlurry-Choco Milk. Try it next time, you'll like it, trust me.
Somebody at the Oreo factory came up with these Fun Stix Oreo STRAWS (!!), and that person deserves a fat raise - even in this economy.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reunited And It Feels So Goooood

I know, I know - it's been a while...Well kids, things in Happienews.blogspot.com Land have been somewhat chaotic as of late...
On the menu we've had 1 week spent eating the early bird special dinner at 5pm with the elderly in Florida, 2 trips to the emergency room - 1 human sliced her finger open, and 1 dog had a spinal stroke (!), 1 state administered test to study for and take, and a whole other load of nutso things that won't be mentioned here.
Anyway, within the next couple of days, expect some great, tasty new posts...
On this menu we've got a VIP insider's tour of an Upper West Side Jewish Food Mecca, as well as an adventure with Officer Lefkowitz of the Miami - Dade Police force, and some other good news including Strokey McStroker's gradual recovery (!)
Keep your eyes peeled for the Happieness...