I know, I know - it's been a while...Well kids, things in Happienews.blogspot.com Land have been somewhat chaotic as of late...
On the menu we've had 1 week spent eating the early bird special dinner at 5pm with the elderly in Florida, 2 trips to the emergency room - 1 human sliced her finger open, and 1 dog had a spinal stroke (!), 1 state administered test to study for and take, and a whole other load of nutso things that won't be mentioned here.
Anyway, within the next couple of days, expect some great, tasty new posts...
On this menu we've got a VIP insider's tour of an Upper West Side Jewish Food Mecca, as well as an adventure with Officer Lefkowitz of the Miami - Dade Police force, and some other good news including Strokey McStroker's gradual recovery (!)
Keep your eyes peeled for the Happieness...