Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Can't Hear You

Having spent many occasions sitting around with - how can I say this politely - much older and much, much wiser people, I know how difficult it is to take part in conversations that quickly devolve into ones in which my more senior companions begin talking about two entirely separate topics.
We start out discussing the pros and cons of toaster ovens vs. regular toasters, and then all of a sudden one of them (let's say it's my Saba - Grandpa, for those not in the know - in this instance) is jabbering on about his tailor's return policies regarding custom made suits. Coincidentally, they are quite good - full refund if you're unhappy!
This usually happens completely unbeknownst to them though, as they usually can't hear a word the other one has said.
That's why this is such happy news! Some clever scientists in Israel - land of milk and honey and some very smart people who have clearly suffered through many Friday night dinners dealing with exactly the problem I've described above - have figured out a way to keep deafness at bay! Yay! (You like how that rhymed?)